Let’s talk let’s connect | LTLC0166 | July 28, 2020 | Python -Learn from fundamental | AHB-Coders

An Amazing Human Being
6 min readOct 4, 2020


PYTHON — Learn from fundamentals

Luma has started the session by giving an introduction on how to register in “AHB Coders” facilitated by Lets talk Lets connect platform and how it works. Oviya took over the session and gave an overview of topics they are going to cover. Varalakshmi, Assistant Professor, ECE from S.A. Engineering College. She expressed her interest in learning python as well as teaching it.

Where does the name “Python” comes from?

When Guido van Rossum (a Dutch programmer, best known as the creator of the Python programming language invented Python in early 90s) began implementing Python, he was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, a BBC comedy series from the 1970s. Van Rossum thought he needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python.

“Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another’s code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.”

-Guido van Rossum


· Open source

· General purpose

· Interactive (User-friendly)

· Interpreted (No need of compiling before execution)

· Object-oriented

· High-level programming language (Easier to use)

· Scripting language

· Clear syntax

· Built in data types for strings, list and more

· Strong numerical capabilities

· Suitable for machine learning

· Easily integrated with C, C++, Java

· Cross-platform language

Also it has extensive libraries for web development framework such as Django, TurboGears, web2py, Pylons, Zope, WebWare and Pandas for data analytics.


Cpython- Written in C language

Cython- Code created in Python and converted to C code, machine dependant and runs faster

Jython- Implementation of Python, integrated with the Java platform

Ironpython- Implementation of Python, targeting the .NET Framework

Pypy- Alternative implementation of the Python programming language to Cpython

Ipython- Command shell for interactive computing in multiple programming languages

Matplotlib- Plotting library for the Python programming language and its numerical mathematics extension NumPy

Where can we learn Python 3?

Udemy: The Complete Python 3 course

Coursera: Programming for everybody(getting started with Python)

edX: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python

All Python course covers strings. Expressions, functions, exception handling with no prior knowledge in coding.

Modes in Python:

1. Interactive mode: Using command prompt

2. Script mode: Code saved as a file with .py extension and run using command prompt( Syntax: Python filename.py)

3. IDLE mode(Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment)

Datatypes :

· Numeric data type: Integer(1), Floating point(1.2), Complex(1+2j)

· String: Set of characters(Python, World, A)

· List: Collection which is ordered and mutable(changeable). Allows duplicate members à [1,7,3,4,4,8,7], [“apple”, “banana”, “cake”]

· Tuple: Collection which is ordered and immutable(unchangeable). Allows duplicate members à(15, python)

· Dictionary: Collection of items which is unordered, mutable(changeable) and indexed. No duplicate members. Key-value à {“key”:”value”, “you”:”me”, “girl”:”boy”}

· Set: Collection which is unordered. No duplicate elements. Sets are written with curly brackets.

Raghavendran, our next resource speaker continued session on “How to install python and its requirements”

Downloading site:

www.python.org à Downloads à Latest version


· Select any one from this :

1. Install Now(Recommended for beginners- Includes Documentation, PIP, IDLE, Python test suite)

2. Customize Installation

· Select “Add Python 3.8 to PATH”

· Installation successful

Version check:

“python” in command prompt à Gives out python version installed


Visual Studio Code: Free source-code editor

· Install from code.visualstudio.com

· Open new folder à new file à write code script à save with .py extension

· Search Python in search bar of Visual studio code on left side.

· Select and install “Python”

· Right-click à “Run Python file in terminal”

· Runs and give output in the terminal below

Also many editors are there such as pycharm, etc

Online Compilers

Use Google search to get online python compliers

Aravind, resource speaker from AHB continued the session on “How to execute Python programs

When compared with programming languages such as C and Java, Python holds first place as it is easy to learn, even for beginners with no prior coding knowledge.

· Open Python shell à New File / ctrl+F

· Write script , for example : print(“Welcome to Python”)

· Ctrl+S . And save with .py extension

· Select Run , now the output gets printed (Welcome to Python)

· Here no need of giving command (python filename.py in command prompt) to execute, instead we are just using Run in the python shell.

Blogger: Mahalakshmi

Watch the session directly on “YouTube”. You can also visit our other 200+ Lets talk lets connect session playlists here.

To Host/Participate a session, Register @ bit.ly/LTLC-Registration

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#Amazing Human Being #Let’s Talk Let’s Connect #Python-Learn Fundamentals #AHB-Coders #Mahalakshmi

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First release

Python 2.0 release 2000

Python 3.0 released in 2008

Latest version

2.7 in 2010

3.8 is currently in use


2016- 71.9% of projects used in Python.

2017- it had fallen to 63.7%

June 2017 was the first month that Python was the most visited tag on Stack Overflow within high-income nations


Libraries built here are not forwards-compatible

Many developers are creating libraries strictly for use with Python 3


Strings are stored as ASCII by default

Text strings are Unicode by default

Rounding numbers

Calculates to the nearest whole number

Returns the exact value

Print statement

Not use brackets

Started using brackets

Where can we learn Python 3?

Udemy: The Complete Python 3 course

Coursera: Programming for everybody(getting started with Python)

edX: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming using Python

All Python course covers strings. Expressions, functions, exception handling with no prior knowledge in coding.

Modes in Python:

1. Interactive mode: Using command prompt

2. Script mode: Code saved as a file with .py extension and run using command prompt( Syntax: Python filename.py)

3. IDLE mode(Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment)

Datatypes :

· Numeric data type: Integer(1), Floating point(1.2), Complex(1+2j)

· String: Set of characters(Python, World, A)

· List: Collection which is ordered and mutable(changeable). Allows duplicate members à [1,7,3,4,4,8,7], [“apple”, “banana”, “cake”]

· Tuple: Collection which is ordered and immutable(unchangeable). Allows duplicate members à(15, python)

· Dictionary: Collection of items which is unordered, mutable(changeable) and indexed. No duplicate members. Key-value à {“key”:”value”, “you”:”me”, “girl”:”boy”}

· Set: Collection which is unordered. No duplicate elements. Sets are written with curly brackets.

Raghavendran, our next resource speaker continued session on “How to install python and its requirements”

Downloading site:

www.python.org à Downloads à Latest version


· Select any one from this :

1. Install Now(Recommended for beginners- Includes Documentation, PIP, IDLE, Python test suite)

2. Customize Installation

· Select “Add Python 3.8 to PATH”

· Installation successful

Version check:

“python” in command prompt à Gives out python version installed


Visual Studio Code: Free source-code editor

· Install from code.visualstudio.com

· Open new folder à new file à write code script à save with .py extension

· Search Python in search bar of Visual studio code on left side.

· Select and install “Python”

· Right-click à “Run Python file in terminal”

· Runs and give output in the terminal below

Also many editors are there such as pycharm, etc

Online Compilers

Use Google search to get online python compliers

Aravind, resource speaker from AHB continued the session on “How to execute Python programs

When compared with programming languages such as C and Java, Python holds first place as it is easy to learn, even for beginners with no prior coding knowledge.

· Open Python shell à New File / ctrl+F

· Write script , for example : print(“Welcome to Python”)

· Ctrl+S . And save with .py extension

· Select Run , now the output gets printed (Welcome to Python)

· Here no need of giving command (python filename.py in command prompt) to execute, instead we are just using Run in the python shell.



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