Let’s talk let’s connect | LTLC0229 | August 24, 2020 | Meet For Thought | Azeesh Rahman.

An Amazing Human Being
2 min readSep 10, 2020


Appearance are deceptive.

Starting the session with our charming Co-Host Ms.Subradha, a brief introduction about Let’s talk let’s connect — a platform to share/gain knowledge with fellow people in the community.

Our active and heart-throbbing facilitator Azeesh Rahman, an accessibility consultant and IIT-ian shared his sincere gratitude to the co-host as well as the participants.

Objective for Meet For Thought:

To create awareness, provide clarity among people about the myths and facts related to behavioral and characteristics of a visually challenged person.

Queries and answers:

Self-grooming/Identifying body parts:

A prevailing question which people have while seeing a visually impaired person is how do they dress-up, bath, brush and many other daily works.

  • Muscle memory is one which helps every person to do their regular activities.


How do a person with visual impairment get to access their mobile phone/digital gadgets in the modernised world?

  • Various software such as the screen recorder, talk back and much more which helps in easy access.


A common attitude in public is that comes out of sympathy, treating the visually challenged person with utmost care/added benefits/additional services unaware of their requirements/needs.

  • Ask them if they need it before you offer rather than enforcing it on them in name of sympathy.

Their Vision will not stop them from achieving their mission

With much more curious questions from the participants regarding their views and facts about visually impaired people, it was awe-inspiring and an interactive session by our Azeesh Rahman.

Blogger: Bhavani Vijayaraj

Watch the session directly on “YouTube”. You can also visit our other 200+ Lets talk lets connect session playlists here.

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#Amazing Human Being #Let’s Talk Let’s Connect #Meet For Thought #Azeesh Rahman #Bhavani Vijayaraj

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